Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Embedding=Fun/ Emo bands will rule the world

So yes, as the title says, embedding is fun.

Emo bands will rule the world because everyone gets emo at some( read; most of the) time and since we all arent as musically creative or expressive we have to rely on them to provide an audio output to the outpouring emotions we feel but cant express without including the words "bitch", "fuck", and "YAAARRRGGHHH" in incoherrent sentences while simultaneuously blubbering away because we dont have enough emotional fortitude either. Band name leave much to be desired though

And no, this song is not directed at any one person in particular but rather to a whole host of people who have 'encouraged' and 'inspired' me to say "YARRRRGGGGHHH" at one point. Inside my head. I speak with my inside voice when im talking in my head.

Oh shit, im supposed to be working now


Tupps said...

you've gone embedding hog-wild jools!

sesiapa yang embed terlalu banyak video akan berdepan dengan kami...ENOUGH IG ENOUGH!

haha. eeh. wuuh. aah.

Su said...


don't fret. you have hope. :)