i swear i wanted snickers after seeing this. now if that's not good advertising i dont know what else is.
and now, selected conversations which the above picture provoked
T says:gosh those are some breathtaking mounds
thanks for the mammaries
J says:snickers... brrrrrtttt
do not put me into a conference now with you and J*@^#.. i'll blurt out SUGAR TITS
T says:home is where my habits have a habitat
man..that fiona apple
J says:man those snickers....
T says:hahaha
J says: indeed
so is sugar tits done with her studies or what?
or is she doing the bar there?
or a masters?
or working with snickers?
T says: i asked ^%#^# abt masters she said brb
J says: putting a candy bar somewhere i suppose
man neither of us are going to let this go away that easily huh?
J says: we'll get bored of it eventually
T says: yeah
J says: but im going to milk it for all its worth.
pun intended
*note : brrrrrrtt = motor boat engine sounds. because breasts like snickers and sugar tits induce the desire to stuff your face between said lady lumps and make like a motor boat
names have been changed to protect myself and T from libel suits.
i never claimed i was a very mature person. especially when tits AND snickers are involved.
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