Today also happens to be World Milk Day(I'm not kidding). Like Valentines day, I fail to see the point in there being an especial day where something everyday is celebrated on a specific day. I drink milk everyday, so why should today be so special? Methinks the likes of Dutch Lady and HL have gone down the dark and shadowy path of marketing akin to that of the Hallmark and Roses Int. Inc. in creating Valentines day. If you wanted it to be such a special day how about sponsoring a ship load of milk and milk products over to say, I don't know, Africa? Where infant morality rates are the highest in the world due to malnourishment, let alone milk? So yeah. Fuck you too corporate douchebags. Then again, if there is a more nobler purpose to all this, and you are, in fact, sending milk to countries that actually need it, instead of "celebrating" its nutritional properties.. then yeah, happy World Milk Day.
Speaking of freedom, I'm a firm believer of free speech. In that regard, Ms. Thong, you are allowed to say whatever it is you want to say on your blog about me. Similarly, I am allowed to have my own personal and humble opinions about you and the lesbian community. It is not, nor have I ever claimed it to be, the gospel truth and people can judge for themselves what or what not to believe based on their own powers of reasoning and rationale.Having said that, you're so full of yourself into thinking that it was alright to mistreat me and are now trying to justify it by labeling me as an emo fuck. Yes, I am in fact an emo fuck. And the fact that you couldn't deal with it doesn't justify the way you treated me. Two wrongs don't make a fucking right. Furthermore, when I say, "women who think they have dicks" it's pretty much obvious to everyone else I meant it metaphorically and/or symbolically. Obviously butches are comfortable trying to be "males" without the added appendages otherwise they might as well have gone for a fucking sex change. But you know, you're obviously free to interpret it in any way your little mind desires. Isn't freedom of speech wonderful boys and girls? There should be an International/World Freedom of speech day. Oh right. There already is one. Go Google it.
Oh, before I forget, Tweety died. Tweety is the name of the bird that yours truly helped back into the nest. Let's just say... Sylvester ate him.
So no cleavage references today. But then again it is World Milk day... so.... would it be politically incorrect to show a picture of cleavage and milk in its awesome togetherness?

Guess not.
You are being stereotypical when you refer to butches as "women who think they have dicks". Reason being, butches do not think they have dicks. Most of the times (so claimed the butches) they know and feel that deep down inside they are still females. And no, they are not comfortable trying to be male as how you put it. You have a very narrow minded view of the whole lesbian society, which i dont really blame you given what you've gone thru before.
I know this is your blog and you have the freedom to write whatever you feel like writing or write whatever you think or feel. Just wanted to highlight to you, your post is unjust, judgmental and narrow minded. :)
Anyway, i dont understand the part of you claiming that M has mistreated you. I thought all these takes 2 hands to clap? We all know very well M hates people who stick to her like superglue, hates people who are being emo to her (i kena thousands of times from her already, so i should know), hates people who come on too strong on her (actually, most people dont like others to come on to strong)and hate being suffocated by someone who is kinda emotional. Unfortunately you are all of the above. No doubt you are a great friend and she did tell me before that she was almost moved by your caring demeanor towards her. However, she is unable to handle your emo-ness, and unable to face your family and friends and unable to let go her lesbian tendencies (actually, i suspect she is in her comfort zone of lesbianism as this community is less judgmental and less demanding of her to do the right thing as what society expect from each other - dont knw if i make any sense to you or not.... i m afterall, bad at expressing myself in words :P)
conclusion is, i think both of you should stop this 'blog war' once and for all. you 2 really wanna hurt each other even more with words meh? i thought friendship is more important than all these relationship shit?
Big Cow
Thank you for your comments.
First off, I am indeed very biased and prejudicial when it comes to the lesbian community. As you've said, after what I've gone through how can I not feel that way about them? Personal experiences shape the way we view things in life and this, unfortunately or otherwise, is how I view the lesbian community. I'm entitled to my own personal views, whether or not they conform to political correctness or not. To say that I should just accept something which I personally find unacceptable is just being hypocritical when the shoe is on the other foot when it comes to the homosexual community find acceptance in society. And again, to clarify my point, when I said that "they think they have dicks" I'm being metaphorical in that they do not conform to society's view of what a girl should be, hence their androgynous appearances and mannerisms and their apparent role in a relationship with another lesbian.
Secondly, I fail to find the logic and rational behind Michelle's arguments that I'm being clingy, especially since I only went out with her on weekends. Furthermore, I did not point a gun to her head and forced her to go out with me. She went out with me of her own volition and she was always in a position to tell me to fuck off, which she eventually did. I also did not like the fact that I was just cut off and ignored without even an explanation until you yourself had to tell me the reason.
Even after said explanation, I did in fact let Michelle be and give her her much wanted space. It has already been 4 months and if she wants to go another 4 months then be my guest.
In regards to my emoness, yes, I am in fact, as Michelle would succinctly term it, an emo fuck. That's the way I've always been and if she cant accept me for who I am, the same as how I can accept her for who she is, regardless of her imperfections, well, you see the roadblock there isint it? So what if we don't get together? That has never been the case and I knew it from the start. I just hoped against hope like a dumb fuck.
In regards to being her friend, I have never been anything less. If she fails to appreciate that and wants to cut me off from her life then there is not very much else I can say to change her free spirited mind is there? You said it takes two hands to clap? My hands always been open. What about hers?
Anyway, whatever. I don't want to play blame games. She wants to talk to me, she wants to clap as well, she knows how to reach me.
The last i remembered hearing from her, she did tried to approach you a few weeks back and you were pretty rude to her. Hence, she gave up.
As you said, you dont wanna play the blame game anymore, but arent you still doing that in your comment? :)
Let it go. Friendship more important. Too many hurtful words has been exchanged between you and her. And the situation is getting worst.
You say you are always open for her to approach you. But from what you've wrote so far, if you were her, would you even want or dare to approach someone who obviously hasnt let go?
Think it over and stop all these blog wars. Not healthy at all.
how to be your friend after all that u've said here...
this is how u viewed lesbianism... thank u...
To Big Cow
Explain to me how I was being rude? All I said in my personal message on msn was the internet was more fucked up than my past women. Which is true is it not? Please do not try and make me sugar coat a bitter past. She messaged and said is the internet that bad. And i said yes. Then we talked about me working from home. And that its. Thats the last I heard from her. How was I being rude? If she mentioned any other approach then I must have amnesia because I don't remember any other such approaches. I have let it go. But are you telling me I should let all these accusations be leveled at me without defending myself?
That is how I've always viewed lesbians. It wasn't an issue when we went out so why is it becoming an issue now?
Tell me, have you ever put yourself in my shoes? Imagined how hurt I was that I was being ignored for no apparent reason? You didn't even say anything to me. What was I supposed to feel? Big cow had to tell me. Why couldn't you? I would have thought after knowing you for 8 years you could have at least had the common courtesy to tell me that. Not after I had to push you to tell me.
Doesn't anyone here know the meaning of metaphorical?
We do understand the meaning of metaphorical. but the way you metaphorically put things is just not politically correct and hurt/offend others.
Anyway, you knowing Michelle for the past 8 years should at least know she usually 'tahan' her friends no matter how uncomfortable she feels until to a limit only she just snapped and ignore that said friend. it's how she behaves. as i mentioned previously, i myself also kena countless times from her, but you dont see me going all emo and bitch about her and her lesbian communities in my blog, do i? ok la, granted, on the surface, what she did was really thoughtless and selfish, but try to put yourself in HER shoes:
She treasure your friendship and most of the times you are fun to be with. Then you started to be clingy and she started to withdraw herself from you. The more she tried to withdraw herself, the more you cling on which actually repulse her even more. And she being Michelle, do not like face to face confrontation, decided to ignore you, thinking that things will cool down a bit so that that things can go back to normal. But mana tau, you pulak jadi emo, which aggravate the whole issue. The rest is history lor....
that's the whole situation as i see it, in HER shoes. I tried to see the whole scenario in YOUR shoes, but i feel that it's too emotionally draining, so i've decided not to. (ok, that's pretty bitchy and unfair of me. sorry la)
the best solution is, both of you just chill for a few months or years la then only contact each other back. :)
u know what. im too lazy to argue with u. too inteligent to argue with.
either im too stupid to see your point.
the other way round.
Fine. I'll admit to all the wrong I have supposedly committed. I'm sorry for everything I did. Whether or not I should be the one saying sorry is, I think, beyond relevant at this point. I see no point in trying to further this debate as both me and Michelle are just too damn stubborn to admit our mistakes but I'll cross the proverbial sand in the line here first and say sorry. Sorry for being overly emotional and sorry for having a personal opinion. Sorry for hurting in in any and every way.
Where we go from here, I leave it to you. If we are to be friends again, that's all we will be, friends. Nothing more, nothing less. I only ask you give a grace period of 3 months to let things "cool off". If not, I will respect your decision and wish you all the best in life from here on out.
its ok.
save that grace period of yours. i dont need it.
i dont see any point for it.
for i believe if u're a friend, u wont say things like that about my sexuality. for whatever reason it is u wanna put it that way, i am actually offended. thank u.
and yea. i do know u r upset as well that i just go MIA all over again. so i guess it is better that way then, for i have a screw up habit of ignoring friends.
I respect your decision. All the best in life then and Good bye.
sand in the line. heh.
i meant line in the sand. apologies. one is unable to think straight when upset and stressed.
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