Its not a case where the Chinese are so fucking sensitive about every fucking thing. The majority of us are being kept out of Universities strictly because of the colour of our skin. Its ok, we can go to Private Institutions. Most of us anyway. I wonder what happens to poor families. More advantages and favours are given to Malays in terms of business and property deals. That's ok, we get the fact that you're the majority race around here. We've lived with it and managed to thrive as Malaysian citizens first and as a race second. We pay our taxes, we follow the law, we fulfil our civic duty by participating in the Elections, we stand at attention when the National Anthem is played, we tell people that we're Malaysians, first, Chinese second whenever we're overseas and delight in the fact that blissfully ignorant people from supposedly developed nations try to wrap their head around the idea of a multi cultural multi ethnic society and we'll fight for the freedom of our country should we ever be oppressed from foreign invasion. We did it in World War 2 and we'll certainly do it again now. On the issue of Islam, I honestly couldn't care less. I respect the religion and its followers. We know its your religion, but please, don't make it ours and impose on us and we'll reciprocate vice versa. We are not pushing Malays to the wall. We are not demanding that Chinese and Indians get special rights over and above that of the Malays. We know that special rights were designated for a historcal reason and our forefathers have agreed to it. But that was then.Its already been 51 years and the country must evolve with the changing needs of the rakyat. Im very sure that many of the Malays have as much potential to be successful as much as any other person. I know quite a number of successful Malays. Having crutches such as these special rights will only be an impediment to the economy, unity and stability of the country in the long run.We just want a fair and equal opportunity for all Malaysians that will do nothing but make the country better, for us, the rakyat, as a whole, and in the eyes of the world. Race should not and never be an issue and an impediment to the success and growth of the nation and racist and bigotry statements like Ahmad Ismail which, i repeat again, he vehemently refuses to apologize for, does not at all help and enable us to achieve such a desired goal for the betterment of the nation. Though I've written this from a Chinese point of view, I'm sure that my fellow citizens, the Indians and of course the Malays and other races in Malaysia, can agree with whats being said here. If not feel free to comment. I am open to constructive criticism.
We cannot adopt a "biar lah" attitude to such bigotry. It only serves to encourage more bigotry behavior. Some would say that this is a trivial matter. That we should be concentrating on other more "important" matters, like Tun Mahatir Mohammad joining UMNO again after years of retirement or that Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim is going to take over the government in 5 days time. My fellow Malaysians, all that won't matter for shit if we can't preserve national and racial unity.
I know cynics out there will point out that I'm painting a masterpiece with crayons for the future of our country. That I'm overly optimistic that there will ever be any racial unity within our country. That I'm still young and I'm just being naive because I don't know what it's really like to be racially prejudiced. I'm not blind to the realities of life. I know Malaysia's a boiling pot of racial tension that's just waiting to boil over and the situation is not being helped by racial tension being stoked and encouraged by reckless, selfish, bigoted and racists individuals such as Ahmad Ismail or Wee Meng Chee or certain radical elements of Hindraf or irresponsible journalism. I know things are fucked up right now with affirmative action policies and a really fucked up mind set that's been bread by social inequalities. But I have dreams, and I have hopes that our country will rise above this pettiness, be united as a whole, and take its rightful place among the worlds nations one day. It will take a long time, I may not even live to see this hope become a reality. But I rather have hope than have nothing at all but a sense of hopelessness. If there is no hope and dreams, why even fucking bother living. I love my country, not for what it is now, but for its potential to be so much better than what we are now.

I know im contradicting myself with what I said in my fuck BN post. I hope you can understand that that was mostly said in anger, my initial reaction after reading about Ahmad Ismail and in retrospect, I was pretty harsh. And, unlike someone, I apologize for it. Sincerely. I did not think about the issue thoroughly and wrote in an unfair and biased manned. BN has contributed significantly to the growth of the country and for that we are grateful, but a party must evolve with the needs of its people and it has failed to do as shown by the peoples dissatisfaction in the recent elections. And in regards to my post in Malay, yes, that was also written in a very biased and racist manner and i also apologize for that. As a friend said, you can't fight racism with racism. All races contributed to the founding of our great nation. I apologize for being a hypocrite and descending to the level of the people of which i condescendingly looked down upon without first examining my own flaws. Like Malaysia, I'm not perfect. But at least i can admit my mistakes and strive to be a better person.