Tuesday, September 26, 2006


you know that tale about how if you put an evil person in a room with a good person they did both exchange personalities? the good person becoming evil and vice versa? nope...neither did i. theoretically it could be possible. practically i think its total bullshit. you cant change a person and his/her beliefs and principles. no matter what they may be. unless you're someone with no backbone or personality of course. what defines us all is the individualism we all aspire to want to have. to do our own thing. of course.... being human, this is nigh impossible being the social creatures that we are. and with sociality comes compromise. and with compromise comes the burying of hatchets. that is the current situation here in Bristol. Old feuds, past misunderstandings and miscommunications and supposed slights have to be forgotten in order to forge an acceptable harmonized social environment. with social graces and all that fake stuff. i guess its not all fake i guess. im making a very conscious effort to be nice to everyone so as to not create a disharmonized environment in an already tense and disorientating situation. but there's only so much on can take. and theres only so much one can try to forgive but not forget. and it dosent help that i keep getting recurring dreams about the one who shall not be named. in all her beautiful ugliness. with her the hatchet shall always be armed and bloodied.

anyway, if you're quite finished with all the metaphors and illusions and innuendos, its pretty fucking boring here. and i havent had a shag yet. and im joining the american football team. thats your cue to laugh. anyway, im off now to the try outs. cheers. englishmen can never say thanks or welcome but just cheers. damn drunkards.

1 comment:

Su said...

forgive and forget. i know it's easier said than done but what else can u do about it right? you're a level-headed guy, ju. i know you'll take the appropriate steps necessary, whatever they may be.

hope you're not bruised and battered yet. missing n loving u.
