Wednesday, February 01, 2006

brutal honesty

how can a thing such as honesty be so fucking brutal?do we not frown upon ppl who lie? is not the entire judicial system based on the truth? does one not get angry when they find that they have been lied/conned/ duped by another? cold hard brutal honesty kiddies... honesty is not the best policy and its fucking anal rapingly brutal take the cliched circumstances. infidelity..the most common and most brutal form of honesty to some extent.well, infidelity is not commonly associated with the word honesty as the word infidelity usually relates to cheating partners. cheat in a sense they both dont want the other to know they fucking somebody else. now...the honesty part comes in upon the cliched walking into bed to find your partner with another person of the opposite sex(or same some certain mind fucking cases) engaging in sexual activities. the honesty dawns upon the poor fuck that they either suck in bed and hence their significant other has sought greener pastures or that the significant other was only using you for their own personal agenda(and it certainly wasnt because u were a good fuck).plainely and simply fucking brutal honesty
or how about fat ppl. honestly...does a 300 pounder look even remotely sexually appealing to anyone? yeah yeah...claim about not being shallow and that love is deeper than looks...i say...u can take your hypocrisy and fucking shove it. u did never fuck an obese guy even though he's the sweetest guy on earth. not knocking fat ppl guys are the funnest ppl to be around with. and yes..i realize the whole world does not revolve around fucking(well,it does, in a way)but plaine fucking brutal honesty...obese guys arent ever gonna get some..and even if so...through a prostitute. and not out of love
love is the biggest illusion of all and from there stems the biggest form of brutal honesty. there is no love. just an illusion which equates to time, money and effort spent on someone(not necessarily a significant other). the only love that ever came close to being was from God and even that was rejected. If we can reject God's love then what makes you so fucking special and say you've found the "one" and that you love him/her? you dont love them, you just need them for your own selfish needs. marraige just makes the effect long term.
might be mayhaps that the writer is bummed out on the idea of love since he got badly burned himself. however, if you readers feel im wrong then you are entitled to your own views. as far as i've heard, there hasnt been a bible of Ju-Rants to tell you how to live your life. this here is just an insane rant from a delusional angry person. i have already warned everybody about this since day one and if you fucking believe and put value into what i say and actually start believing in what i believe about certain issues then you're just proving to me how doomed mankind really is. you arent some fucking robot without a mind. u can think. fathom and reason. dont put stock into what i just fucking ranting
plaine and simple honesty....brutal or not i leave it up to u to decide..unless u want me to hold your hand every fucking step of the way.

disclaimer: i cant sleep, i just ran out of fags and have been reading some very painful experiences about infidelity when this rant came to mind. please disregard for your own mental well being. but if u like it... thanks...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that's so not true! mr koo is fucking obese and i m fucking him! :-D hence, obese ppl gets laid too u know? ;-)

anyway, honesty is always brutal. coz ppl are all living in denial. they only wanna listen to what makes them feel good and most of the time it's lies.

brain dead cant think. need sleep.

wanna meet up for lunch? ;-)