Tuesday, August 15, 2006

a lot of asides in an aside

alright. so the farewell post was a bit too premature. forgive this humble scribe if u will. was feeling really sensitive and emotional at the time. blame the dog. he gave me the saddest look in the world that kinda said "i know you're leaving" and then one thing led to another and i started thinking about my family and friends and the end result was that post. it could also be because of too much alcohol consumption that caused me to hallucinate that my dog was giving me that look. anyway disregard it for now and read it again when i really leave on the 13th of september. to my thai-english-chinese rojak brother...thanks tupps. how our bond began we will never know but a brother you are indeed. and yes, in regards to blogging and life, im angry, confused and undecided.. in that exact order although arent the last two really kind of the same thing?

i was thinking of doing that stupid putting-it-on-your-blog-will-make-people-think-you're-cool-because-you-answered-it-with-(supposed)-wit surveys (for..u know...fun... alright so i was bored and after seeing one porn you've seen them all... its all the same shit.. in out in out in out in out.. booooring) but then it struck me. isint it all a lil bit to cliched? telling everybody whats your favourite food,colour,what you would do in a particular situation or whats your favourite sex position(she can be the cowgirl...oh yeah...). what do u call it these days? a meme? how the hell are u supposed to pronounce that word anyway? it sounds like the scientific name of an intimate part of your body. i agree. the internet is a great technological advancement for mankind(that includes you ladies too... u feminist). information at your fingertips. unedited up-to-date news coverage(sorry cnn..but i dont think u copyrighted that. if u did..sorry). and free porn of course. but memes? i dont know if most of you are exhibitionist at heart but there are certain pieces of information i did like to keep to myself. is it any wonder why cases of people stalking other people are on the high? by telling people what are your dislikes and likes it would be so easy to get to you and the aftermath? well,it could all be the start of a beautiful friendship in a fairytale maybe(albiet a very modern technologically advanced one...haha...can you imagine snow white e-mailing/texting/podcasting videos of herself with just an apple to prince charming?what a stereotype... how do you know they're all charming or that all knights wear white and/or shining armour? do u know how much polish u need to get it shining? and imagine the poor girl. sun glasses weren't invented at the time. no wonder the always wore veils.) but you and i know that fairytales dont exists and in reality its just a fast track to stalking or worse a rape case or the worst, a rape cum murder case. in this country at least. criminals here would do anything as the newspaper headlines would show you these days. if they arent about what politician said what to/about each other. instead of talking how about really making a difference and providing a better, effective, non bribe taking police force? too many people, your electorate, have died for just a few measly ringgit. or because of someone's uncontrollable lust, or both. thats why, in my humble opinion of course, we should legalize prostitution and pornography. the singaporeans did it and do u see a high crime rate? i know a lot of friends and acquaintances who watch porn but do we do go around raping? so many questions to be asked but not a lot of people are willing to be accountable and answer such questions. oh...better watch what i say here too or they'll send me to Kamunting and detain me without my Constitutional rights because its seditious to tell the TRUTH.

im sorry. that rant was just so very off tangent from what i was originally trying to convey. living up to my billing of being confused and undecided i guess. i did throw in anger as well but that wasnt so much anger but frustration at how this country is being run and how humanity's worst enemy is it's insidious self. and dont get me started on whatever is going on in Lebenon. thats just plain senselessness(is that a word? like embiggens?its a simpson's insider joke in case u didnt get it) and thank God(though i doubt most Lebenese who have lost their homes and their loved ones will have too much to be thankful for) for the recent ceasefire. but the world being what it is today, im pretty skeptical that the fighting will stop. and in that same vein, all you protestors, do you thinks catchy chants and placards and your banners will really stop the war? it didnt work with iraq and afghanistan(which the world has almost forgotten now anyway) now did it? the Israelis and Hezbollah didnt really consult you when the bombs started dropping and the rockets started killing and they wont listen to you now. and do u really think that hopes and prayers and moral support are going to rebuild homes and bring back lives? you arent Isreali nor are you Lebenese so you dont know jack shit about what's going on over there. so quit blocking up the streets and do something more important. like volunteering to help or sending food and money and medicine over there and not coming up with catchy chants and fancy placards and banners. heh..dont get me started it seems.

anyway, coming back to memes(ugh...i dont even like saying that word) my stand towards it would be that its useless. but then thats just my stand. i guess some people really are just exhibitionist and more outgoing than some others(like me) and did really like for other people to know them better.. for better or worse. just.. dont over do it.. its fucking overdone and cliched..

music reviews; we are scientist are fucking good. nobody move nobody hurt(grammatically wrong title but good song), even though its being destroyed by radioland by them playing it over and over again. i did normally discourage listening to anything played by corporate radio but hey, it's a good song. imagine singing the chorus while walking down a school/college/university/ work corridor or anyway remotely crowded. haha. and try their other songs. a one hit wonder this band is not. strictly for indie fans. ironic that they have radio airplay, being indie and all, but if it puts food on the table and pays the bills, then goody. (re my last post a while back in regards to the difference between playing good stuff and getting money to pay the bills and playing crappy pop shit and getting paid to lie to the youth of today who are already poisoned with all this pop nonseense)

my body is your body
i wont tell anybody
if you wanna use my body
then go for it, yeah

yeah....to be sung in places where the people are conservative or if you're just bored and want to see other people's expressions. like church. hehe... on that same vein, adam could be the only guy to have to been said not to cheat on his girl, well...because... of the obvious. and if you dont count bestiality. yes yes. i'll save u a space in hell too.(why is bestiality spelt like that and not beAstialiy? how do u know then its about fornicating with a beast? its like what some uneducated person would say about the best so and so. eg "the concert was BESTiality done" or "the steak here is their BESTiality")

oh.. another song to be sung in public is bloodhound gang's three point one four. dont be a lazy fucker and expect me to type the lyrics here and go download it.

anyway i've rants till i can rants no more (sorry creators of popeye..but its 7 in the morning and all sorts of weird things are permeating through my mind right now. and btw; one can of spinach does not give you the strength to take on 20 guys. you fucking lying bastards)

catch another boring, innate rant of ju next, on the same irregular time and at the same unexciting,unartsy fucking fartsy, fancifully named website.

not a lot of love but enough to give to the ppl who matter the most.

1 comment:

Tupps said...

I saw that word Meme ever so recently....strange I was just reading...or perusing through this book called Obey The Giant, which thoroughly explores the impact visual imagery has had on humans for as long as men had thought of advertising and using the media to gain higher ground..isn't it disdainful? We are so fastidious standing our ground trying to resist the call of this "visual culture"....if it looks good then it obviously has to be good..even with the people we call friends or the people who we fall for...life is a meme of existentialism. I mean it does make sense doesn't it? if it fits the bill, if it doesn't question the overlords of society, then it has to be right. Oh you make me think Jools...take it easy alright, you don't want to end up like Edward Norton like how he was in Fight Club.

It is a mindset of convenience that we subscribe to, technology has made us dependant, visual gratification has made us lose our Muse, fuck thinking about that, you think that we'd ever had one to ourselves eh? Unlikely I say, of the masses anyways, for them a Muse is their interpretation of what is closest to perfection, that which we can never be, and personally that which I don't want to be.

This comment is like a blog within a blog so I shall shut up now. Spinach rocks, it won't make you fight like a one eyed, tobacco addict sailor but it sure tastes good...its a vegetable bestiality!!!!

you're funny...
you motherfucker