Thursday, February 11, 2010

Neurotic Vitriolic

Miss Watts, I have no idea about what song you're referring to but would be very interested to listen to a song that successfully incorporates the words "guile" into it. Furthermore, I have no idea why you're trying to contact me. I know who you are and I want nothing to do with you. Do not try to commiserate with me about Michelle. That ship has sailed a long time ago and it shan't be returning to port anytime. Honestly the only time I think about her is during the brief interludes of sleep and dreams over which I have no control over the content being shown by my subconscious mind. And when I masturbate, because she gave extremely good head. She has made clear her position to me that we shall never ever be anything, platonic or otherwise, again and that is the final chapter of our little novella. The last time I spoke to her? After her house got burgled. I sent an email with my condolences and support, as any civil person would. Of course seeing as she hates my guts because im too fucking emotional, I never got a reply, but then again I wasn't expecting one anyway. So why send it? Because im fucking neurotic.

Yes, she can be and is sometimes a bitch. She can't keep a relationship because she doesn't know what she wants and if the supposed "love of her life" turns into something that she will not/could not deal with in her own skewered view of the universe, she breaks it off like a a gardener would a flower that has suddenly stopped blooming. 7 relationships in 7 years should have really clued you in on that but I suppose, like you said, this "love" blinds us all and is just so fucking boundless.

Thank you for your concern about my supposed rut but I can assure you that it is absolutely none of your business whether I'm in a relationship or if I some neurotic emotional fuck who smokes too much for his own good but is secretly trying to kill himself from lung cancer. Or whether im happy or sad or in an emotional rut. Or how many times i masturbate a day thinking about your ex sucking my dick. What's it to you anyway? Do not pretend to be nice to an enemy of your enemy and play on the fact that we are somehow connected by the fact that we both got fucked over by the same person. I'm not your friend and I don't need more friends. And in regards to your healer cum tarot card reader, you don't really need to see a peddler of hocus pocus nonsensical bullshit to know what Michelle's character is like.

Good day to you.

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