Last week was uneventful to say the least, other than the fact that I'm now smoking 1-2 cigarettes a day now as compared to 20-25 a day previously. Withdrawal symptoms suck. In relation to this, jogging has become in vogue now and residents at my mom's housing complex can see a slightly overweight acne ridden sweaty chinaman lumbering past them with laboured breaths every late morning. Enjoy your soy milk lattes and granola bars peeps.
In and Out, how I love thee. Let me count the ways, your awesome burger meat that's got that unexplainable "rightness" to it. Your secret sauce that's sinful and well... secret like an affair with the principal's hot milf wife, if that could be a taste. Your buns... so soft yet firm, reminiscent of the other kind of non gluten containing bun. Together with you just there for presentation vegetables and your delectable fries(so much more sexier if done animal style), you are, quite simply, the best burger I ever had and I want to marry you and have little burger baby sliders with you.

The girl replied. I haven't. I don't know what to say. She lives like 5 minutes away from my place and we end up meeting halfway across the world.
I also got my fight shorts. =) the same kind worn by rampage jackson when he knocked out wanderlei silva. =) =) and i got it at a sale. =) =) =)
Tomorrow, off to the Indian Reservation of Pala to pay for the white man's sins against the Native Americans by gambling in their casinos that has been approved by the pale face's government as a way of reparation without direct involvement. That's where us Asians and our predilection to gambling comes in.
I was talking about how a love marriage is overrated and doomed to failure in exceeding rates with my mom and she agreed. Fuck love. Lets all just procreate and stay together for a conventional family unit that may or may not have economical benefits to us and to which we may or may not fall in love with one another. Save your feelings for the dog and various sports teams.
So this bear was chasing this atheist through the forest. In his desperation, he called out for God. God appeared and the atheist pleaded with him to save his life. God replied that it was impossible since he did not believe in Him. The atheist got a bright idea and asked God to turn the bear into a Christian. The bear stopped and proceed to say Grace before eating the atheist. (you heard this before chi. so no need to comment on this)
check next week for ju-rants in Americana #3
1 comment:
i liked mum's version of the joke better. hhahahaaha. or maybe it was just her contagious laugh. and btw, you haven't replied my email. i guess ubob kept his word n took her to pala huh? glad i didn't miss out on anything...
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