To elaborate further on the leaving to the States, well, yeah, I'm leaving to the States for a month or so to visit my mother. Erm... I don't know how else to elaborate that further. I mean, do you want to know my flight details? what are my in-flight entertainment choices? whether I'll be choosing shitty airline fish over shitty airline chicken? what I intend to do at Taoyuan International Airport while in transit? Whether I will say "I'm here to try and stimulate your failing economy" when the Immigration officer asks what is the purpose of my visit? Whether I will in fact visit Hooters again and stare innocuously at "Christy's" very Hooters while she asks me what I'll have to drink? Whether I will reply that I'm from Malaysia when asked where I'm from by random Americans to which they say, with incredulity written on their faces, "Huh... Could have fooled me. I thought you were Chinese!", at which point I have a secret chuckle and wish I had my Malaysian friends with me so we can derisive jokes at them in Bahasa when out of earshot(despite the fact they wouldn't understand a word we're saying), and speaking our national language louder than usual to play the exotic foreigner card in a highly unlikely attempt to score some local Americana tail? Whether I will be getting Cold Stone Ice cream and In n Out Burger and Mexican food which induces gastronomical orgasms that if I were to draw a pornographical analogy, I would be spurting like Cytherea while having a face and body like Maria Ozawa(Yeah, I didn't get that either when I read it back). Whether I will in fact be utilizing local high speed internet to download copious amounts of pirated movies, comics, songs and etc(I have excluded tv series because, well, I'm right at the source aren't I)? Whether I will have the most awesometh time in the States? Nah... you don't want to know all that.
For someone who said they didn't know how to elaborate further about his upcoming trip to the States that whole rhetorical question routine proved me(and hopefully you) wrong huh?
In response to the jumpers and mercenaries leaving PKR:
Ok I tried to put something funny here but copyright being copyright, I wasn't able to do the whole cut and paste/ embed video deal. So, we can do one of two things
a) watch this video and concentrate on 1:47 to 1:50
b) go here
and now imagine these items are here and that they're addressed to said former PKR assholes.. i mean party members. Fuck you very much for screwing over your constituency who had to waste a perfectly good saturday to wait in line with other equally annoyed voters for close to 2 hours to do something that takes about 2 minutes to get you into office. I could have gotten morning sex but nooooooo.... had to do my "civic duty" and vote you assholes into office (note, I'm reiterating an anecdote told me. I couldn't vote since my registration was "not in the system in time" for said elections)
and yes, I do realize that there are a lot of links in here. Besides reassuring you that they're virus free, it's also just me being me. I like to have themes.

1 comment:
this post reminds me i should start making a list of places to eat, things to do, etc. don't fret brother dear, am planning for your much anticipated arrival.
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